Is It Time The Right Time To Do Furnace Repair Evanston, IL?

So the question is:  How do you know when it’s time for a furnace replacement or furnace repair Evanston? There are some definite signs to be aware of. First, how old is your furnace? Most furnaces have a 15-20 year life expectancy. Once they reach that age they can start to heat unevenly. If that happens you need to call DucTech Furnace Repair Evanston to do an inspection to make sure everything is in good working order. Next, are you starting to hear unusual noises coming from your furnace? Groaning or high-pitched squeaking or whining could be signs you need a furnace service to check for worn bearings or air leaks.   Unpleasant odors coming from your vents? Soot and gas build-ups often emit bad odors, are signs of a needed furnace repair. When in doubt, call DucTech Furnace Repair Evanston for a check-up!
